To receive a cosmetology license in North Dakota or a license in one of the other beauty practitioner disciplines in this state you have to attend a licensed school and complete the minimum required training hours before you can take the state’s board exams. These required training hours are specified by the North Dakota Board of Cosmetology. After you pass the exam you can apply for the license. The total examination fee is $40. Additional fees may apply.


Minimum required training hours

  • Cosmetologist license: 1800 hours
  • Esthetician license: 600 hours
  • Manicurist license: 350 hours

Examinations are already stressful, but a lack of information or misinformation only adds unnecessary stress. The written exams in North Dakota are administered by PSI Services, LLC. Therefore, we advise every applicant to read through the exam information provided by the board and contact either the Board or PSI Services if you have further questions.


Contact Information North Dakota Board of Cosmetology

ND State Board of Cosmetology
4719 Shelburne St.
Suite 1
Bismarck, ND 58503

Phone: 701-224-9800
Fax: 701-222-8756


Website,  FormsFAQ


Cosmetology License Renewal

Cosmetology licenses in North Dakota due for renewal every year before December 31st. The renewal fees are $30 for all beauty practitioner disciplines. Maine does not require continuing education (CE) hours for individual license renewals. Instructors, however, have to complete 8 CE hours annually.


Out-of-state license / Out-of-country license

Out of state

An out-of-state license does not automatically qualify you for a cosmetology license in North Dakota. But you qualify for licensure through reciprocity if your state license requirements are equal to or greater than North Dakota’s requirements. If you do not qualify for reciprocity, you may apply for a license by examination.

To apply for a North Dakota license by reciprocity, you must:

A) Provide proof that you are licensed in another state and the license is in good standing. Please contact your State Board to have them mail certification directly to the North Dakota State Board of Cosmetology. Certification can take time to obtain and most have a fee, so call your state immediately.

B) Meet the required education hours (as stated above). If you do not meet these hours, 3,000 hours or more of work experience may be considered substantially equal to a maximum of 300 hours of school training. This is for cosmetology only.

C)  Submit the following items for approval.
Reciprocity application
Copy of birth certificate
Copy of high school education or GED
Copy of photo identification
Work experience
Proof of licensure. This must be completed by the State Board of Cosmetology where your current license is being held. Contact your State Board for a letter of certification and a copy of your state license requirements to be sent directly to the ND State Board of Cosmetology.

Once all information is received, the North Dakota State Board of Cosmetology will contact you on what procedures you qualify for licensure. If approved for reciprocity, you will have to take and pass the North Dakota Laws, Rules & Regulations test, and pay the reciprocity fee of $105.00 plus the original license fee.

Out of Country

Reciprocity may apply, please contact the board.

Disclaimer: We don’t guarantee the accuracy of the above information. Ultimately the North Dakota Board of Cosmetology determines license requirements and will provide you with all needed information. We are not affiliated with the Board in any way. If you have questions or comments please contact us here. The information on this page was last updated on 9/23/2017.