To receive a cosmetology license in Delaware or a license in one of the other beauty practitioner disciplines in this state you have to attend a licensed school and complete the minimum required training hours before you can take the state’s board exams. These required training hours are specified by the Delaware Board of Cosmetology and Barbering. After you pass the exam you can apply for the license. The fee for the cosmetology license is $103 (other types vary, see fees). Additional fees for the examination may also apply.


Minimum required training hours

  • Cosmetologist license: 1500 hours
  • Baber license: 1500 hours
  • Electrologist license: 300 hours
  • Aesthetician license: 600 hours
  • Nail Technician license: 300 hours

Examinations are already stressful, but a lack of information or misinformation only adds unnecessary stress. The exams are administered by Professional Credential Services Inc. (PCS). Therefore, we advise every applicant to carefully read  the examination information at the PCS homepage and contact the Board or PCS if you have further questions.


Contact Information Delaware Board of Cosmetology and Barbering

Mailing Address
Division of Professional Regulation
Cannon Building, Suite 203
861 Silver Lake Blvd.
Dover, Delaware 19904

For state government mail service, use SLC Code D420A.

Information center: 302 744-4500
Helpline: 800 464-4357 (in-state) or 800 273-9500 (out of state)

Fax: 302 739-2711


Website,  FormsFAQ, Fees 


Cosmetology License Renewal

Cosmetology licenses in Delaware are renewed every even year on October 31st. All other beauty practitioner disciplines are renewed on March 31st in even years.  You will be notified about the amount of the renewal fee at the time of renewal. Delaware does not require continuing education (CE) hours are for individual license renewals.


Out-of-state license / Out-of-country license

Out of state

If your professional/technical training was in another state or U.S. territory (e.g., Puerto Rico), you may use the hours. However, when you are required to submit proof of your training but the document is not in English, you must arrange for the Board office to receive a translation from IERF.

Out of country

If your training was outside the U.S. or its territories, you must arrange for the Board office to receive a credential evaluation to determine if your training is equivalent to Delaware’s requirement (Section 15.3 of the Rules and Regulations). Request the evaluation from the International Educational Research Foundation (IERF).

Disclaimer: We don’t guarantee the accuracy of the above information. Ultimately the Board of Cosmetology and Barbering determines license requirements and will provide you with all needed information. We are not affiliated with the Board in any way. If you have questions or comments please contact us here. The information on this page was last updated on 9/22/2017.