To receive a cosmetology license in Louisiana or a license in one of the other beauty practitioner disciplines in this state you have to attend a licensed school and complete the minimum required training hours before you can take the state’s board exams. These required training hours are specified by the Louisiana Board of Cosmetology. After you pass the exam you can apply for the license. The total fee for the license is $100, which is broken down as follows: Theory exam a) national ($25) b)  state ($25), practical exam ($25), and initial license ($25).

Note: As of September 1, 2016 there is no longer a Make Up permit available in the state of Louisiana. A Louisiana Cosmetology license or Louisiana Esthetician license is needed to perform this service.

Minimum required training hours

  • Cosmetologist license: 1500 hours
  • Esthetician license: 750 hours
  • Nail Technician license: 500 hours

Examinations are already stressful but a lack of information or misinformation only adds unnecessary stress. The exams in Louisiana are administered by the board. Therefore, we advise every applicant to read through the exam FAQ  and contact the Board if you have further questions.


Contact Information Louisiana Board of Cosmetology


Louisiana Board of Cosmetology
11622 Sunbelt Court
Baton Rouge, LA 70809

Phone (toll-free): 866-257-7901
Phone (local): 225-756-3404
Fax: 225-756-3410




Cosmetology License Renewal

Cosmetology licenses in Louisiana are renewed every year.  At the moment no continuing education (CE) are required for individual license renewal. The renewal fees are $25 for all individual licenses of all above-mentioned beauty practitioner disciplines.


Out-of-state license / Out-of-country license

Licensed in another state

Louisiana recognizes the cosmetology esthetician and manicurist licenses of all other states.  Please complete a reciprocity application  (find it here) along with the required information and fees.

Licensed in another country

Persons wishing to transfer into the state of Louisiana from any place outside the United States must fill out a foreign reciprocity application (find it here) and return it to the Louisiana State Board office.
Along with the license you need to submit your current original license along with a certified English translation (a list with approved organisations is attached to the application form), proof of your 10th grade education, copies of your Driver’s ID and Social Security card, as well as $100 fee for residents or $125 for non-residents.
Additionally, you must attend a Louisiana School and earn at least 1200 hours and then get tested.


Disclaimer: We don’t guarantee the accuracy of the above information. Ultimately the Louisiana Board of Cosmetology determines license requirements and will provide you with all needed information. We are not affiliated with the Board in any way. If you have questions or comments please contact us here. The information on this page was last updated on 8/7/2018.