To receive a cosmetology license in Maine or a license in one of the other beauty practitioner disciplines in this state you have to attend a licensed school and complete the minimum required training hours before you can take the state’s board exams. These required training hours are specified by the Maine State Department of Professional & Financial Regulation, Office of Professional and Occupational Regulation. After you pass the exam you can apply for the license. The fee for the license application is $20. A background check will also be performed. The fee for the background check is $21. Additional fees for the examination may also apply.


Minimum required training hours

  • Cosmetologist license: 1500 hours
  • Aesthetician license: 600 hours
  • Barber license: 1200 hours
  • Nail Technician license: 200 hours

Examinations are already stressful but a lack of information or misinformation only adds unnecessary stress. The exams are administered by DL Roope Administrations, Inc.Therefore, we advise every applicant to carefully read the examination information on the DL Roope Administrations website and contact the Board or DL Roope if you have further questions.


Contact Information Maine State Department of Professional & Financial Regulation, Office of Professional and Occupational Regulation

Physical Address
76 Northern Avenue
Gardiner, Maine 04345

Mailing Address
Barbering & Cosmetology Program
35 State House Station
Augusta, Maine 04333-0035

Phone: 207-624-8603
TTY for hearing impaired: 888-577-6690

Fax: 207-624-8637

Website,  FormsFAQ 


Cosmetology License Renewal

Cosmetology licenses in Maine are renewed every year on October 31st. The renewal fees are $20 for all beauty practitioner disciplines. Maine does not require continuing education (CE) hours are for individual license renewals. Instructors, however, have to complete 14 CE hours annually.


Out-of-state license / Out-of-country license

Out of state

An out-of-state license does not automatically qualify you for a cosmetology license in Maine. But you qualify for licensure through endorsement.

” The director may waive the examination and grant a license to any applicant who presents proof of being licensed to practice by another state or other jurisdiction of the United States or another country that maintains professional standards considered by the director to be equivalent to or higher than those set forth in this chapter, as long as no cause exists for denial of a license under section 14236-A. Such an applicant must pay the fee as provided in section 14238. ” (see ME cosmetology statutes)

In this case you need to complete and submit the Application by Endorsement (see forms) with the following information:

  • Appropriate fee ($20 application + $21 background check) made payable to the Treasurer, State of Maine or if paying by credit card submit the credit card authorization form.
  • Proof of age (birth certificate/driver’s license, etc.). You need to be at least 17 years old.
  • Proof for the completed 10th grade education or its equivalent;
  • An original verification of licensure from the state you currently hold your license. This document is used to verify:
    • Your professional education and hours granted;
    • You took and passed a state level written and practical examination. (You must have taken a state level examination for both the written and practical examination. If not, you will be subject to taking the Maine exam);
    • Current license and status of that license.
  • Licensed work experience may be considered if you have less than the required number of Cosmetology curriculum hours from a licensed school. You must submit your evidence of Work Experience on the form provided in this application packet.


“An applicant who does not hold a current license issued by another state or other jurisdiction of the United States or another country may qualify for examination if the applicant presents proof of having satisfactorily completed a course of instruction in a licensed school or approved experience as a trainee considered by the director to have standards equivalent to or higher than the standards for instruction or experience set forth by this chapter, as long as no cause exists for denial of a license under section 14236-A. The applicant must also comply with all other requirements to become licensed and must pay the fee provided in section 14238″ (ME cosmetology statutes continued)”


Disclaimer: We don’t guarantee the accuracy of the above information. Ultimately the Maine State Department of Professional & Financial Regulation, Office of Professional and Occupational Regulation determines license requirements and will provide you with all needed information. We are not affiliated with the State Department  in any way. If you have questions or comments please contact us here. The information on this page was last updated on 9/22/2017.