To receive a cosmetology license in Wyoming or a license in one of the other beauty practitioner disciplines in this state you have to attend a licensed school and complete the minimum required training hours before you can take the state’s board exams. These required training hours are specified by the Wyoming Board of Cosmetology. After you pass the exam you can apply for the license. The fee for the license application is $96. Additional fees for the examination may also apply.


Minimum required training hours

  • Cosmetologist license: 2000 hours
  • Hairstylist license: 1000 hours
  • Baber license: 1500 hours
  • Esthetician license: 600 hours
  • Manicurist license: 400 hours


Examinations are already stressful, but a lack of information or misinformation only adds unnecessary stress. The exams are administered by the National-Interstate Council of State Boards of Cosmetology (NIC).Therefore, we advise every applicant to carefully read the examination information on NIC and contact the Board or NIC  if you have further questions.


Contact Information Wyoming Board of Cosmetology

Wyoming Board of Cosmetology
2515 Warren Ave., Suite 302
Cheyenne, WY 82002

Phone: 307-777-3534
Fax: 307-777-3681

Staff email addresses

Website, FAQ (PDF),  Forms


Cosmetology License Renewal

The initial license is valid for one year. After that are cosmetology licenses in Wyoming renewed every two years in the licensee’s birth month. The renewal fees are $96 for all beauty practitioner disciplines. Wyoming does not require continuing education (CE) hours are for individual license renewals.


Out-of-state license / Out-of-country license

Out of state

An out-of-state license does not automatically qualify you for a cosmetology license in Wyoming. But you qualify for licensure through endorsement or reciprocity if you meet the following requirements:

  1. You must have graduated from a state recognized school and taken a board administered written and practical examination. (Wyoming does not recognize apprenticeship or grandfathered licenses) 
  2. If you have less than the required hours (see above), you will need to prove at least one (1) year working history in your field or you will be required to take the exam. 
  3. If you have taken both the NIC Written and Practical examination, the Wyoming Board will recognize that as “equal to” our hour requirements and you will not have to prove work history or more examination. 
  4. Prove that you are legally in the United States.

However, if you do not meet all of these requirements, you will have to take the written and practical exam.


Disclaimer: We don’t guarantee the accuracy of the above information. Ultimately the Wyoming Board of Cosmetology determines license requirements and will provide you with all needed information. We are not affiliated with the Board in any way. If you have questions or comments please contact us here. The information on this page was last updated on 7/12/2016.