A cosmetologist is a licensed professional who specializes in procedures enhancing the appearance of his/her clients. “Cosmetology” is a broad term that includes a number of sub-specialties. A cosmetologist can choose to offer a full array of services and treatments, or to specialize in one or more areas.

Cosmetology as a profession includes the following services:

  • Cosmetic services, including skin and color analysis, eyebrow or eyelash tinting, application training and makeup application
  • Hairstyling, including cutting, styling, chemical treatments such as coloring and permanents
  • Nail care including manicures and pedicures
  • Skin care services, including facials and skin treatments


One can also choose to specialize in one of the of the sub-categories of cosmetology and would become of the following:

  • Electrologist
  • Esthetician (Aesthetician)
  • Hair Stylist
  • Makeup Artist
  • Nail Technician


For information about obtaining a license please read the Homepage